Block Toolbar reference
Move Block
This option allows you to move parts of the design around. The connections by wires are not preserved when this option is used. If you wish to keep the connections use the drag block option.
Select the area you wish to move by drawing a rectangle around it. Start the rectangle by clicking with the left hand mouse button. Click again with the left hand mouse button again when the rectangle covers the area you wish to move.
The area selected will be highlighted. You can now move this area around the design. Place it by using the left hand mouse button.
You can cancel the move by clicking with the right hand mouse button.
Drag Block
This option allows you to move parts of the design, keeping the connections made by wires. All wires and buses that pass into the selected area to be moved will keep their ends outside the selected area fixed in place. All connections to symbols by wires will also be preserved.
This allows for objects to be moved around the design without affecting how they are connected.
Select the area you wish to drag by drawing a rectangle around it. Start the rectangle by clicking with the left hand mouse button. Click again with the left hand mouse button again when the rectangle covers the area you wish to drag.
The area selected will be highlighted. You can now drag this area around the design. Place it by using the left hand mouse button.
You can cancel the drag by clicking with the right hand mouse button.
Duplicate Block
This option allows you to make another copy of part of the design to be placed somewhere else in the design.
Select the area you wish to duplicate by drawing a rectangle around it. Start the rectangle by clicking with the left hand mouse button. Click again with the left hand mouse button again when the rectangle covers the area you wish to copy.
The area selected will be highlighted. When you move the mouse you will find that the original copy remains and you have a duplicate copy that can be placed anywhere in the design. Place this copy by using the left hand mouse button.
You can cancel the duplication by clicking with the right hand mouse button.
Rotate Block
This option allows you to rotate and mirror (flip) a selected area of the design. This makes it very easy to correct the mistake of placing a component the wrong way round, as it and all its connections can be rotated.
Select the area you wish to rotate by drawing a rectangle around it. Start the rectangle by clicking with the left hand mouse button. Click again with the left hand mouse button again when the rectangle covers the area you wish to delete.
The area selected will be highlighted.
A dialogue box will now give you options to rotate the block clockwise or anti-clockwise, by clicking on the <<< and >>> buttons. You can also select the flip button which will mirror the block.
Once you have finished rotating the block click with either the left hand or right hand mouse button.